Cature Disinfectant Spray

Cature Disinfectant Spray

5 of 5 from 1 reviews
Rp 93.000

NEW VERSION! Deodorant Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray clinically tested 99.999% can kill germs, bacteria and viruses. HOCL Acid of 0.0068% contained therein has a high predictability for disinfecting ... read more...

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Deodorant Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray clinically tested 99.999% can kill germs, bacteria and viruses. HOCL Acid of 0.0068% contained therein has a high predictability for disinfecting against the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Even though it contains acid, this Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray is 100% safe for humans, animals, and children. Even if the spray lands on us or if pets lick it.

Deodorant Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray teruji klinis 99,999% dapat membunuh kuman, bakteri dan virus. Asam HOCL 0,0068% yang terkandung di dalamnya memiliki prediktabilitas tinggi untuk desinfektan terhadap COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Meskipun mengandung asam, Semprotan Disinfektan & Sanitizer ini 100% aman untuk manusia, hewan, dan anak-anak. Bahkan jika semprotan itu mengenai kita atau jika hewan peliharaan menjilatnya.

Cara Pakai :

1. Semprotkan di karpet, furniture, kain, pet bed, kandang, cat litter, bulu anabul dan semua tempat.

2. Tunggu sekitar 1-10 menit hingga kering, tidak perlu dilap atau dibilas.

Isi 470ml

*Botol & spray terpisah agar lebih aman.

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