Cature Purelab Series Eye Cleanser

Cature Purelab Series Eye Cleanser

5 of 5 from 1 reviews
Rp 93.000

Natural Hamamelis and Natural Wild Chrysanthemum Extract as the core function ingredients It soothes and nourishes pet eyes, softens and cleans foreign bodies and tear marks from pet’s eyes. It also... read more...

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Natural Hamamelis and Natural Wild Chrysanthemum Extract as the core function ingredients

It soothes and nourishes pet eyes, softens and cleans foreign bodies and tear marks from pet’s eyes. It also inhibits the bacterial growth to prevent infection. Its pH value is the same as that of the tear fluid of dogs and cats, no irritation.

Ekstrak Hamamelis Alami dan Krisan Liar Alami sebagai bahan fungsi inti menenangkan dan memelihara mata hewan peliharaan, melembutkan dan membersihkan benda asing dan bekas air mata dari mata hewan peliharaan. Juga menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri untuk mencegah infeksi. Nilai pH-nya sama dengan cairan air mata anjing dan kucing sehingga tidak menyebabkan iritasi.

For Cats & Dogs

Net Content: 120ml

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